Motel Detroit 3
De goede mens van Sezuan

Brecht en het protestlied

Sint Juttemislied

Brechts eerste toneelteksten zijn doordrongen van een anarchistische maatschappijkritiek. Deze kritiek wordt steeds marxistische van aard. Een evolutie die uitmondt in zijn techniek van het epische theater. Het epische theater is voor hem een manier om kritisch naar de maatschappij te kijken en met wat hij daar ziet toneel te maken.

Brecht heeft heel zijn leven gedichten geschreven. Uit die gedichten, die dikwijls ook gezongen worden, spreekt steeds een maatschappelijk engagement. Zo hield hij een plakboek bij met foto's die hij uit kranten en tijdschriften knipte. Bij elke foto schreef hij een gedicht.
In Hommage aan Brecht brengt De Appel actuele foto's samen met fragmenten uit zijn teksten.

Het protestlied speelt in de cultuur van 20e eeuw een grote rol. Vooral in de populaire muziek (pop en rock) vinden jonge generaties keer op keer inspiratie om met een kritische blik opener naar de maatschappij te kijken. Daarom hebben we een aantal songteksten uit de 20e eeuw verzameld.

Bertolt Brecht, twee liedteksten uit De goede mens van Sezuan

Het lied van de weerloosheid van goden en goede mensen

In onze steden
vereist arbeid geluk. Alleen
als wij sterke helpers vinden
helpt werken tegen de honger.
De goeden
ontbreekt het aan helpers en de goden zijn machteloos.
Waarom hebben de goden geen tanks en geweren?
slagschepen, vliegtuigen, bommen, granaten
om de slechten te straffen, de goeden te sparen?
Wij voelden ons allemaal minder verlaten.

De goeden
kunnen in onze steden niet lang goed blijven.
Waar de borden leeg zijn, gaan de eters vechten.
Ach, de geboden der goden
helpen niet tegen de honger
Waarom verschijnen de Goden niet op onze markten?
en verdelen lachend de rijkdom aan waren
en zien toe dat de door wijn en spijzen gesterkt en
met elkaar als gelijken en vrienden verkeren?

Wie zich een middagmaal wil verschaffen
dient zich te wapenen als trok hij ten oorlog
Zonder twaalf te vertrappen
helpt niemand een hongerlijder.
Waarom zeggen de goden niet luid in hun hogere sferen
dat een wereld die goed is het simpelste recht is?
Waarom staan zij de goeden niet bij met tanks en geweren
en bevelen ‘geeft vuur!' En straffen wie slecht is?

Het lied van de acht olifanten

Zeven olifanten had de heer Dchin
En dan was er ook nog een achtste
Zeven waren wild maar de achtste was tam
En de achtste was het die hen bewaakte.
En draven! En draven!

Heer Dchin die had een woud
‘t moet vóór de nacht ontgonnen zijn
En de nacht komt al heel snel!

Zeven olifanten ontgonnen toen het woud
En heer Dchin reed hoog op de achtste
De hele dag stond nummer acht lui op wacht
En keek toe wat de anderen deden.
En graven! En graven!

Heer Dchin die had een woud
't Moet vóór de nacht ontgonnen zijn
En de nacht komt al heel snel!

Zeven olifanten wilden niet meer
Waren het zat bomen te slachten
Heer Dchin was nerveus op de zeven was hij boos
En gaf een bak rijst aan de achtste!
Wat moet dat! Wat moet dat!

Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan, geboren als Robert Allen Zimmerman (24 mei 1941) wordt beschouwd als een van de grootste liedjesschrijvers van Amerika. Dylans werk bestrijkt meer dan veertig jaar. Zijn muzikale en literaire faam waren van dien aard dat hij uitgroeide tot een welhaast filmisch en opstandig boegbeeld van de onrust in de Amerikaanse samenleving. De beweging voor de burgerrechten kende geen beter volkslied dan zijn song Blowin' in the wind. Miljoenen jongeren omarmden The Times They Are A-Changin'.
Dylan kan als geen ander eenvoudige popmuziekteksten vertalen naar het onstuimige niveau van politiek-sociaal commentaar of naar een complexe weergave van een actueel levensgevoel.
In beide gevallen introduceerde hij een rijke beeldspraak en een verwoording van een bewustzijnstroom, van gedachten en invallen, soms op absurdistisch-komische wijze. Dylans teksten onttrekken zich hierdoor veelal aan een eenvoudige omschrijving of uitleg. Polyinterpretabele teksten waren tot op dat moment in de popmuziek een volslagen onbekende grootheid. Dylans songteksten en zeer eigen muziekopvatting heeft grote invloed gehad op de ontluikende bloei van de popmuziek in de jaren zestig.

Blowin' in the wind

How many roads must a man walk down
Before you call him a man?
Yes, 'n' how many seas must a white dove sail
Before she sleeps in the sand?
Yes, 'n' how many times must the cannon balls fly
Before they're forever banned?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,
The answer is blowin' in the wind.

How many times must a man look up
Before he can see the sky?
Yes, 'n' how many ears must one man have
Before he can hear people cry?
Yes, 'n' how many deaths will it take till he knows
That too many people have died?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,
The answer is blowin' in the wind.

How many years can a mountain exist
Before it's washed to the sea?
Yes, 'n' how many years can some people exist
Before they're allowed to be free?
Yes, 'n' how many times can a man turn his head,
Pretending he just doesn't see?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,
The answer is blowin' in the wind.

Man of peace

Look out your window, baby, there's a scene you'd like to catch,
The band is playing "Dixie," a man got his hand outstretched.
Could be the Fuhrer
Could be the local priest.
You know sometimes
Satan comes as a man of peace.

He got a sweet gift of gab, he got a harmonious tongue,
He knows every song of love that ever has been sung.
Good intentions can be evil,
Both hands can be full of grease.
You know that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace.

Well, first he's in the background, then he's in the front,
Both eyes are looking like they're on a rabbit hunt.
Nobody can see through him,
No, not even the Chief of Police.
You know that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace.

Well, he catch you when you're hoping for a glimpse of the sun,
Catch you when your troubles feel like they weigh a ton.
He could be standing next to you,
The person that you'd notice least.
I hear that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace.

Well, he can be fascinating, he can be dull,
He can ride down Niagara Falls in the barrels of your skull.
I can smell something cooking,
I can tell there's going to be a feast.
You know that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace.

He's a great humanitarian, he's a great philanthropist,
He knows just where to touch you, honey, and how you like to be kissed.
He'll put both his arms around you,
You can feel the tender touch of the beast.
You know that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace.

Well, the howling wolf will howl tonight, the king snake will crawl,
Trees that've stood for a thousand years suddenly will fall.
Wanna get married? Do it now,
Tomorrow all activity will cease.
You know that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace.

Somewhere Mama's weeping for her blue-eyed boy,
She's holding them little white shoes and that little broken toy
And he's following a star,
The same one them three men followed from the East.
I hear that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace.

The Beatles

The Beatles kwamen uit Liverpool. Ze worden beschouwd als een van de populairste en invloedrijkste bands uit de geschiedenis van de popmuziek. Ze waren actief van 1962 tot 1969. De reacties van hun tienerpubliek bereikten binnen korte tijd een hysterische omvang (‘Beatlemania'). Tijdens de tweede helft van hun carrière verrichtten ze pionierswerk in de geluidsstudio, waarmee ze in bredere kring lof oogstten. Beatlesleden John Lennon en Paul McCartney worden gerekend tot de belangrijkste liedjesschrijvers in het genre. Naast dit tweetal bestond de groep uit George Harrison en Ringo Starr. Een greep uit het enorme aantal hits van The Beatles: I Want To Hold Your Hand, She Loves You, Yesterday, Michelle, Yellow Submarine, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, All You Need Is Love, Hey Jude, Let It Be and Help!

Nowhere Man

He's a real Nowhere Man,
Sitting in his Nowhere Land,
Making all his Nowhere plans for nobody.
Doesn't have a point of view,
Knows not where he's going to,
Isn't he a bit like you and me?
Nowhere man please listen,
You don't know what you're missing,
Nowhere Man, the world is at your command.
He's as blind as he can be,
Just sees what he wants to see,
Nowhere Man can you see me at all?
Nowhere Man don't worry,
Take your time, don't hurry,
Leave it all till somebody else,
Lends you a hand.
Doesn't have a point of view,
Knows not where he's going to,
Isn't he a bit like you and me?
Nowhere Man please listen,
Nowhere Man, the world is at your command.
He's a real Nowhere Man,
Sitting in his Nowhere Land,
Making all his Nowhere plans for nobody.
Making all his Nowhere plans for nobody.
Making all his Nowhere plans for nobody.


You say you want a revolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world.
Tou tell me that it's evolution,
Well, you know
We all want to change the world.
But when you talk about destruction,
Don't you know that you can count me out.
Don't you know it's going to be alright,
Alright, alright.
You say you got a real solution
Well, you know
We'd all love to see the plan.
You ask me for a contribution,
Well, you know
We're doing what we can.
Ut if you want money for people with minds that hate,
All I can tell you is brother you have to wait.
Don't you know it's going to be alright,
Alright, alright.
You say you'll change a constitution
Well, you know
We all want ot change your head.
You tell me it's the institution,
Well, you know
You better free your mind instead.
But if you go carrying pictures of chairman Mao,
You ain't gonna make it with anyone anyhow.
Don't you know it's going to be alright,
Alright, alright.

The Doors

The Doors is de naam van een band uit de jaren 1967-1973. Omdat de beeldbepalende zanger van de band, Jim Morrison in de zomer van 1971 overleed, zijn sommigen van mening dat de band met zijn overlijden ophield te bestaan. The Doors maakte vrij langzame rockmuziek met psychedelische melodieën en poëtische teksten.
Hier een vertaling/bewerking van een Brechtlied door Jim Morrison.

Alabama song

Well, show me the way
To the next whisky bar
Oh, don't ask why
Oh, don't ask why

Show me the way
To the next whisky bar
Oh, don't ask why
Oh, don't ask why

For if we don't find
The next whisky bar
I tell you we must die
I tell you we must die
I tell you, I tell you
I tell you we must die

Oh, moon of Alabama
We now must say goodbye
We've lost our good old mama
And must have whisky, oh, you know why

Oh, moon of Alabama
We now must say goodbye
We've lost our good old mama
And must have whisky, oh, you know why

Well, show me the way
To the next little girl
Oh, don't ask why
Oh, don't ask why

Show me the way
To the next little girl
Oh, don't ask why
Oh, don't ask why

For if we don't find
The next little girl
I tell you we must die
I tell you we must die
I tell you, I tell you
I tell you we must die

Oh, moon of Alabama
We now must say goodbye
We've lost our good old mama
And must have whisky, oh, you know why

Sex Pistols

The Sex Pistols is een Britse punkgroep die actief was van 1975 tot 1978. De groep, aanvankelijk bestaande uit Steve Jones (gitaar), Glen Matlock (basgitaar), Paul Cook (drums) en zanger John Lydon (alias Johnny Rotten), oogstte vooral succes dankzij een mediahype die door manager Malcolm McLaren handig werd gevoed. Het hoogtepunt van de rage viel samen met de viering van het vijfentwintigjarig regeringsjubileum van koningin Elizabeth II in juni 1977. Ondanks een boycot van de BBC was God Save the Queen van de Sex Pistols die week een van de best verkochte singles. Op het gedrukte exemplaar van de Engelse hitparade mocht dit kennelijk niet worden vermeld: de nummer-tweepositie was die week blanco. Het gebeuren werd compleet met een illegaal verrassingsconcert van de Sex Pistols op een rondvaartboot die over de Thames voer. Het concert eindigde in ware punk-stijl: met de arrestatie van alle bandleden, waaronder ook Sid Vicious die Matlock op basgitaar had vervangen. In werkelijkheid is er van Vicious bijna geen noot op geluidsdrager vastgelegd. Zijn prestaties op bas waren live zo slecht, dat zijn versterker meestal werd uitgezet. De studio-opnames van de baspartij werden door Matlock of later door Jones ingespeeld. De houding en poses van Vicious waren zo fenomenaal punk dat hij als nonmuzikant tijdelijk kon overleven.

Anarchy In The U.K.

Right! Now ha ha ha...

I am an antichrist
I am an anarchist
Don't know what I want
But I know how to get it
I wanna destroy the passerby

'Cause I wanna be Anarchy
Now don't worry

Anarchy for the UK
It's coming sometime and maybe
I give a wrong time stop a traffic line
Your future dream is a shopping scheme

'Cause I wanna be Anarchy
In the city

How many ways to get what you want
I use the best
I use the rest
I use the N.M.E
I use Anarchy

'Cause I wanna be Anarchy
It's the only way to be

Is this the M.P.L.A or
Is this the U.D.A or
Is this the I.R.A
I thought it was the UK
Or just another country
Another council tenancy

I wanna be Anarchy
And I wanna be Anarchy
(Oh what a name)

And I wanna be an anarchist
(I get pissed, destroy!)

God Save The Queen

God save the queen
The fascist regime
They made you a moron
Potential H-bomb

God save the queen
She ain't no human being
There is no future
In England's dreaming

Don't be told what you want
Don't be told what you need
There's no future, no future,
No future for you

God save the queen
We mean it man
We love our queen
God saves

God save the queen
'Cause tourists are money
And our figurehead
Is not what she seems

Oh God save history
God save your mad parade
Oh Lord God have mercy
All crimes are paid

When there's no future
How can there be sin
We're the flowers in the dustbin
We're the poison in your human machine
We're the future, you're future

God save the queen
We mean it man
We love our queen
God saves

God save the queen
We mean it man
And there is no future
In England's dreaming

No future, no future,
No future for you
No future, no future,
No future for me

No future, no future,
No future for you
No future, no future
For you

Rage Against the Machine

Rage Against The Machine is een rockband die in de jaren negentig erg populair werd met een mix van hardcore, trash metal en hiphop, gecombineerd met politieke teksten. Het nummer Killing In The Name Of werd wereldwijd een grote hit.

Killing in the name

Killing in the name of!
Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses
Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses
Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses
Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses

Killing in the name of!
Killing in the name of

And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
But now you do what they told ya
Well now you do what they told ya

Those who died are justified, for wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
You justify those that died by wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
Those who died are justified, for wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
You justify those that died by wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites

Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses
Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses
Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses
Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses

Killing in the name of!
Killing in the name of

And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control (7 times)
And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
And now you do what they told ya!

Those who died are justified, for wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
You justify those that died by wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
Those who died are justified, for wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
You justify those that died by wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
Come on!

Yeah! Come on!

Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!

Township Rebellion

Rebel, rebel and yell
'Cause our people still dwell in hell
Locked in a cell
Yes, the structure's a cell
Mad is the story I tell
How long can we wait?
Come on, seein' what's at stake
Action for reaction
If your mind's in a somewhat complacent state
Get a check up
This is a stick up
Our freedom or your life
Lord, I wish I could be peacful
But there can be no sequel
Now freedom must be fundamental
In Johannesburg or South Central
On the mic, 'cause someone should tell 'em
To kick in the township rebellion

Yeah, what about that, sucker?

Yeah, so you thought you could get with the hardlines
That fill your mind
Thoughts, battles fought
And lessons taught
Yes I'll display the fitness
And flip like a gymnast
Raise my fist and resist
Asleep, though we stand in the midst
Of a war
Gotta get mine
Gotta get more
Keepin' the mic warm against the norm
'Cause what does it offer me?
I think often it's nothin' but a coffin

Gotta get wreck
Till our necks never swing on a rope
From here to the cape of no hope

Now freedom must be fundamental
In Johannesburg or South Central
On the mic, 'cause someone should tell 'em
To kick in the township rebellion

Why stand on a silent platform?

Fight the war, fuck the norm
Fight the war, fuck the norm
Fight the war, fuck the norm
Fight the war, fuck the norm

Why stand on a silent platform?
Fight the war, fuck the norm
Fight the war, fuck the norm
Fight the war, fuck the norm
Fight the war, fuck the norm
What's it gonna take?
Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
When ignorance reigns, life is lost
Shackle their minds when they're left on the cross
When ignorance reigns, life is lost
Shackled our minds when we're bent on the cross
When ignorance reigns, life is lost
Shackled our minds when we're left on the cross
When ignorance reigns, life is lost, lost, lost!
Shackle your minds and you're left on the cross!
When ignorance reigns, life is lost!
Just shackle your minds when you're bent on the cross!
When ignorance reigns, life is lost, lost!

Why stand on a silent platform?
Fight the war, fuck the norm
Fight the war, fuck the norm
Fight the war, fuck the norm
Fight the war, fuck the norm

Public Enemy

Public enemy is een maatschappijkritische hiphopgroep uit Long Island, New York, geformeerd in 1982. Snel daarna tekenden ze bij het Def Jam label nadat Rick Rubin Chuck D hoorde freestylen op een demotape. Daarna duurde het nog ongeveer vijf jaar voor hun debuutalbum, Yo! Bum Rush The Show uitgebracht werd in 1987. Public Enemy stond bekend om het bestrijden van het rechtse overheidsbeleid en discriminatie op huidskleur. Leider Chuck-D heeft hierover enkele boeken geschreven en laat regelmatig zijn mening horen in publieke debatten.

Fight the power

1989 the number another summer (get down)
Sound of the funky drummer
Music hittin' your heart cause I know you got sould
(Brothers and sisters, hey)
Listen if you're missin' y'all
Swingin' while I'm singin'
Givin' whatcha gettin'
Knowin' what I know
While the Black bands sweatin'
And the rhythm rhymes rollin'
Got to give us what we want
Gotta give us what we need
Our freedom of speech is freedom or death
We got to fight the powers that be
Lemme hear you say
Fight the power


As the rhythm designed to bounce
What counts is that the rhymes
Designed to fill your mind
Now that you've realized the prides arrived
We got to pump the stuff to make us tough
from the heart
It's a start, a work of art
To revolutionize make a change nothin's strange
People, people we are the same
No we're not the same
Cause we don't know the game
What we need is awareness, we can't get careless
You say what is this?
My beloved lets get down to business
Mental self defensive fitness
(Yo) bum rush the show
You gotta go for what you know
Make everybody see, in order to fight the powers that be
Lemme hear you say...

Fight the Power


Elvis was a hero to most
But he never meant shit to me you see
Straight up racist that sucker was
Simple and plain
Mother fuck him and John Wayne
Cause I'm Black and I'm proud
I'm ready and hyped plus I'm amped
Most of my heroes don't appear on no stamps
Sample a look back you look and find
Nothing but rednecks for 400 years if you check
Don't worry be happy
Was a number one jam
Damn if I say it you can slap me right here
(Get it) lets get this party started right
Right on, c'mon
What we got to say
Power to the people no delay
To make everybody see
In order to fight the powers that be
(Fight the Power)

Fear of a black planet

Man you ain't gotta
Worry 'bout a thing
'Bout your daughter
Nah she ain't my type
(But supposin' she said she loved me)
Are you afraid of the mix of Black and White
We're livin' in a land where
The law say the mixing of race
Makes the blood impure
She's a woman I'm a man
But by the look on your face
See ya can't stand it
Man calm your ass down, don't get mad
I don't your sistah
(But supposin' she said she loved me)
Would you still love her
Or would you dismiss her
What is pure? Who is pure?
Is it European state of being, I'm not sure
If the whole world was to come
Thru peace and love
Then what would we made of?

Excuse us for the news
You might not be amused
But did you know white comes from Black
No need to be confused

Excuse us for the news
I question those accused
Why is this fear of Black from White
Influence who you choose?

Man c'mon now, I don't want your wife
Stop screamin' it's not the end of your life
(But supposin' she said she loved me)
What's wrong with some color in your family tree
I don't know

I'm just a rhyme sayer
Skins protected 'gainst the ozone layers
Breakdown 2001
Might be best to be Black
Or just Brown countdown

I've been wonderin' why
People livin' in fear
Of my shade
(Or my hi top fade)
I'm not the one that's runnin'
But they got me one the run
Treat me like I have a gun
All I got is genes and chromosomes
Consider me Black to the bone
All I want is peace and love
On this planet
(Ain't that how God planned it?)

Excuse us for the news
You might not be amused
But did you know White comes from Black
No need to be confused

Excuse us for the news
I question those accused
Why is this fear of Black from White
Influence who you choose?

(samenstelling: Alain Pringels, dramaturg Toneelgroep De Appel)

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