Zeezicht 2


Tragedy. A very short introduction

Tragedydoor Adrian Pole

In dit korte essay bespreekt professor Engelse literatuur kwesties als geloof, schuld, wraak, pijn en vergankelijkheid in de tragedie. Hij vergelijkt de verschillende tijdperken waarin de tragedie een belangrijke rol in de kunst heeft gespeeld en vraagt zich af waarom tragedie vandaag nog steeds relevant is.

‘In plays like Euripides' Bacchae the bestial World presses hard on the human.' (pagina 5)

‘The conflict between traditional belief and modern skepticism is wrought into the very texture of Euripides' plays - as it is into Shakespeare's.' (pagina 27)

‘For it is the relation between pain and our ideas about is that tragedy seeks to explore. (...) But pain is particularly testing to our powers of rational articulation. (...) It is unspeakable. Pain attack our very identity; it drives us out of our wits; in pain we are beside ourselves.' (pagina 66)

Adrian Pole, Tragedy. A very short introduction, Oxford U.P., 2005

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